End of Life (EOL) for IP address block (تنبيهات سابقة)
  • مستوى الأهمية - متوسط
  • متعلق بـ : سيرفر - KIRE Cloud Servers

  • One of our /27 IP blocks had to be retired and EOL'd due to routing issues. We have received a new allocation, and all customers and v-hosts that were assigned to the old block have been renumbered and updated in our nameservers.

    If you are having difficulty connecting, it is likely because you are using an old IP address. Please check your email for notifications of renumbering, lookup the new DNS or the vhosts page for a list of the new IPs.

    Thank you for your continued business!


  • ابتداء من - 06/27/2016 16:53 - 06/29/2016 07:00
  • آخر تحديث - 06/29/2016 16:55

حالة سيرفرك

الجدول التالي يوضح حالة السيرفر/السيرفرات الذي ينتمي له موقعك/مواقعك هذه اللحظة

الخادم HTTP FTP POP3 PHP الضغط التواجد
KIRE Cloud Servers PHP